Ulu Kupu
In a short film and multi-site exhibition that spanned the Hawai’i State Art Museum POD and Aupuni Space, curated by Tiare Ribeaux, Kānaka Maoli and O’ahu-based artists exhibited works that emphasized the sacredness of wai (water), and the rainforests that hold our watersheds. Depicted through video, photography, sculpture, botanical art, paintings, and kapa - our interconnectedness and responsibility to the elements that sustain us is offered as a remembrance to the viewer, along with a respect for the land we inhabit and are stewards of.
Nanea Lum
Painter, Kapa Artist, Writer, Actor, Organizer
Lise Michelle
Lauhala Artist, Co-writer, Actor
ULU KUPU was made possible by the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund and Partners of the Americas, and the UH Manoa Admiral Residency Program.
Special Thanks to:
Aupuni Space
Manoa Heritage Center
GRICC Contemporary
Hawai’i State Art Museum and Aly Ishikuni